Monday, September 01, 2008

Special Mom Phrases

Here is a list:

  • "Your eyes are so blue you look like you drank the Windex"
  • "Give that girl/boy a quarter"
  • "I'll sell you to the gypsies!"
  • "You look like nobody loves you!" (Solveig remembers this being said if she tried to leave the house with wild hair).
  • we were also sometimes told "You look like the Wild Woman from Borneo!"
  • (from tape with Solveig as toddler): "I wouldn't sell you for a million dollars."
  • Solveig: laughs
  • "Do you have a million dollars?"
  • Solveig: laughing, "no"
  • "I wouldn't take it!"
  • Solveig: laughs more.

I also remember how she used to smash up aspirin and put it in a spoon with maple syrup to make it more palatable, and also when I would get upset (I remember getting upset a lot) she would put maple syrup on a spoon and give it to me like it was medicine. Does anyone else remember this?

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